Investours Dar es Salaam
At the tail end of our trip awaiting a plane back to Amsterdam from Dar es Salaam, the capital of Tanzania, we had a thought provoking experience: Investours. A tourism concept developed in Harvard by some students, that allows visitors to Dar es Salaam (translated House of Peace) to experience the business world in the local small business sector of the country. A group of tourists about our size (between 4 and 8 people) pay Investours the tour cost, in our case US $200. That money is then given as a loan to a qualifying business applicant interest free to be repaid within 3 months. When repaid the lending bank gets 30% and Investours gets 70% for their efforts. So here you have it in a nutshell. We spent a day being driven around the poorer outskirts of Dar, as they call it in the local vernacular. Dar is not the prettiest town on earth, a sprawling shanty-town of 3.5 million youngsters. Tanzania has a population of 43 million people with a median age of 18 and a...