St Maarten or our life of Abandon

Now this is by no way a story of unbridled sex in a setting of indescribable Caribbean beauty. The implied word "abandon" comes directly from the highly suggestive St. Maarten website, although I do not want people to believe, that at my age of 70, which by the way is the reason we are here to celebrate that milestone, that I don't love my wife with abandon. We were met by a member of the rental property management company on a warm sunny breezy 80 F Friday afternoon at the "Prestige Car Rental" company where Sandee, who did organize the celebration all by her lonely self (and for people who do not know her well: she prefers delegation), rented a jeep wrangler with a soft top. We drove along winding roads to the other side of the island to Dawn Beach where, and I say this as a sign of advertisement, on 42 Trumpet Shell Road we found Villa Seastar, a place we would never have located on our own. The place was shuttered all arou...