Lhasa, Tibet - a personal story

(Our original hotel with all its "couleur locale" that I had chosen) (Second room after toilet problem with heater- notice door lock) (Beautiful Tibetan toilet door) (When climbing into bed shivering we found the electric matress - yummy we should have stayed) (This is the impersonal 4 star hotel we ended up in - owned by a monastery) I had, against the advise from my travel agent, booked a Tibetan 3 star hotel in the old town section, because tripadvisor rated this "Tashitagke hotel" higher than the hotel I was advised to book. As you all know, in exchange for having Sandee travel with carry-on only, I promised to lodge her in places with private bathroom and wifi. Well, after entering the place and struggling up the stairs gasping for air, she managed to exclaim: "from the sublime to the ridiculous" (Yak meat on display along the road in downtown Lhasa - would maybe pass health inspection as the weather was bitterly cold) (Local restau...