Athens center of western civilization
If anyone wants to see why our western civilization might be in decline, one does not need to look at the US and its political disorder, its social tensions and or its moral decay. No, instead go to the city of Athens, populated by humans for more than 3 thousand years and the center of democracy for 2,500 of it. (Salaried job for hanging around on the corner watching tourists) Today, it is the Greek center of political strife, which is clearly visible on almost every major street corner. Greek delta police forces in full riot gear are ensuring "peace and quiet" to the tourist industry. Without those millions of tourists we see all around us Greece would be in a worse economic shape. Saw hundreds of them everywhere in the city If those tourist dollars did not flow in, not even this show of police force would be able to contain a probable boil of the masses most likely aiming for its failed corrupt leaders. And yes the average Greek has clearly in the public forum fo...