
Showing posts from June, 2016

Scootering around Bermuda, my Birthday present

St George Somers an excited pose, claiming these reefs and islands on the way to Virginia   Bermuda apparently was discovered around 1503 by a Juan Bermudez, a Spanish discoverer, who could not read or write, but seemed to have been a very able and daring mariner, or so can be read in Legatio Babylonica by Spanish author and historian Peter Martyr. (Why does that guy not have a Spanish name?) Aha, I just googled him, he was an Italian living and working in Spain and his full name is Martyr of Angleria, because he was born in the Piedmont nearby the town of Angera.    Copy of the wrecked ship Sir George sailed on Nevertheless Bermuda's actual history began in 1609, when British admiral Sir George Somers shipwrecked on its reefs as he was leading a fleet of 9 ships from Plymouth to Jamestown VA, a new English colony, or so the tourist pamphlets all over Bermuda tell its visitors.  St Peters Church in St Georges, the oldest Anglican Church in Bermuda built 1612 with Ber...