Egypt land of Light
(Waking up the first morning at the Marriott taken from our balcony) Sitting in the plane leaving Cairo, I am musing about how I will write my blog. Just before we took off for Egypt I read a blog written by a lady, who took the same organized trip, done by a company called Archeological Paths, in which she does a day by day report. (For those of you who would like to read it, I will append a link to that blog at the end of mine). (The Marriott entrance with behind it peeking above the pyramid of Giza) I found it difficult to read after awhile and did not finish it. But that is most likely, because we did the same trip and saw the same things. And I must admit that a lot of her observations of today’s Egypt which she writes about are exactly what I found interesting. And there is nothing more boring than reading your own observations written by somebody else. (Our daily habit is exiting the bus and prepare for another sight with guide) ...