
Showing posts from 2022

Seven weeks in Oregon Part 2

(Peaceful Peddling in Silence) The next location we were in love with was Klamath Falls Lake. We stayed at the very rural Harrimans Resort. Very memorable here was having a canoe for half a day peddling all by our lonely selves on this beautiful lake, where we and birds were the only ones making noise.  (White Pelicans we rarely see on the East coast) (Our famous bald Eagle) (More  and more pelicans) (Some type of wading bird) One of the discoveries there was the phenomena of drifting clumps of so-called elusive Mares Eggs, which only exist in waters that have freshwater springs with a very specific temperature range. The many clumps of these blue green algae are only found in a few places around the world, and not much is known about them. (A clump Mare Eggs)  Crossing the California border from here, we wanted to visit a Japanese internment camp, which was not open that day, but after reading about that time ...